Coille is a vase made entirely from the contents of a pine tree.
The vase is made of pine pitch (a mixture of pine resin, charcoal, and sawdust) and pine timber pillars. The pine pitch acts as a glue for the timber pillars and provides a watertight chamber for flowers, while the timber pillars give the vase a solid structure and handleable surface.
The project began as an experiment to make a solid material from denim waste and resin.
Initial experiments combined epoxy resin with various forms of recycled denim.
I then experimented with pine resin - a natural thermoplastic substance that oozes from pine trees, also known as pitch or sap.
I was immediately enthralled by the resin and the process of making forms with the mixture of resin and substrate.
The following gallery is just a few of the many results from my denim and pine resin explorations…

At this point I loved the results of the experiments, but they all had one fatal flaw - an incredibly sticky surface.
To counteract this, I added a new, more suitable, material in combination with the pine resin mixture - pine timber.